MSUDATA16: Bibliographic Data Analysis: NVivo and Paper Machines

Welcome Mississippi State University Libraries Scholarly Communication Summit attendees!

Sources referenced in my session, along with some related resources, are listed here. They are also available via the Diigo collaborative bookmarking site: mbfortson’s library tagged msudata16.

A pdf of my slide deck is available here: Bibliographic Data Analysis: NVivo and Paper Machines (PDF). If this document is not accessible to you, please contact me so I can get it to you in a format that is.

Thanks for visiting!


About NVivo

NVivo Product Suite Overview
“If you want to get an edge by better understanding the explosion of unstructured data in the world today, you need NVivo – powerful software for qualitative data analysis. Whether you are working individually or in a team, on Windows or Mac, are new to research or have years of experience, there’s an NVivo option to suit you. Can you afford to miss the insights your data is trying to show you?”

NVivo 11 Pro for Windows Getting Started Guide (PDF)

NVivo for Mac Getting Started Guide (PDF)

Resources for Literature Review

EndNote and NVivo – Improving your Literature Review – NVivo Brown Bag Webinar – YouTube
“If you are thinking about or already use EndNote, watch this video to see the value of combining EndNote with NVivo to produce a quality literature review. Find out how this powerful combination supports you in writing robust literature reviews.”

EndNote: Import into NVivo
“You can export selected EndNote references or an entire EndNote reference library from EndNote X2, X3 or X4 to an XML file, which you can then import into NVivo. When you export your references from EndNote, make sure you save the exported data as an XML (*.xml) file.”

Hone your NVivo skills with literature reviews – The NVivo Blog
“There are some excellent resources available about using NVivo for your literature reviews. Here, I describe some ways in which I use NVivo for literature reviews, which you might find useful. I believe working with NVivo during literature review is an excellent way to manage research, a practical way to learn and practice with NVivo, honing practical skills.”

Importing EndNote references in NVivo (PDF)
“These instructions are applicable if your EndNote library and NVivo are installed on different computers. These instructions also apply when NVivo is installed on a virtual Windows environment (e.g. Apple Boot Camp, Parallels, VMware Fusion) on a MACand EndNote is installed on the MAC side.”

Improving Your Literature Review with NVivo 11 for Windows – YouTube
“Find out how NVivo 11 for Windows supports you in writing robust literature reviews. With NVivo 11 for Windows, you can import journal articles, tag (code) sources for major themes in the literature and share data with popular reference management software.”

Improving Your Literature Review with NVivo for Mac – YouTube
“Find out how NVivo for Mac supports you in writing robust literature reviews. With NVivo for Mac, you can import journal articles, tag (code) sources for major themes in the literature and share data with popular reference management software.”

NVivo 11 for Windows Help – Exchange data between NVivo and reference management tools
“If you conduct a literature review using a reference management tool such as EndNote, Zotero, RefWorks or Mendeley, you can import the references into NVivo. If you start by collecting your bibliographical data in NVivo, when you are ready to write up your findings, you can export this data to a reference management tool.”

NVivo for Mac Help – Exchange data between NVivo and reference management tools
“If you conduct a literature review using EndNote, Mendeley, RefWorks or Zotero, you can import the references into NVivo.”

Paper Machines

Paper Machines
“Paper Machines is a plugin for the Zotero bibliographic management software that makes cutting-edge topic-modeling analysis in Computer Science accessible to humanities researchers without requiring extensive computational resources or technical knowledge. It synthesizes several approaches to visualization within a highly accessible user interface.”

How to Use Paper Machines

Digital History @ Rice – Paper Machines Debriefing
“I hope you enjoyed playing around with Paper Machines in our workshop with Jo Guldi. As promised, here’s a brief summary of how I constructed the corpus we used for our visualizations. I’ll follow that with some of the visualizations you made, and invite you to comment on what you see that’s of interest.”

Introducing Paper Machines
“Historians of the twentieth century have to contend with a technological problem, the issue of archives too large to process by traditional methods. While textual encoding, tagging, and n-grams can reveal certain patterns in digital archives, topic modeling and topic frequency, applied to hand-tailored archives, can help the historian make informed decisions about where in an archive to start looking. Digital methods, in this way, are driving historians to longer and longer time scales, making it possible for even younger scholars to perform a ‘distant reading’ on big questions that range over nations and centuries. The talk will follow parts of the argument of The History Manifesto (2014), comparing how a historian’s search for periodization, agency, and causality in the data compare with use and abuse of digital data in other digital fields.”

Introduction to Topic Modeling with Paper Machines (PDF)
“One of the most user-friendly options for topic modeling is available right in your Zotero library: Paper Machines.”

Journal of Digital Humanities – Review of Paper Machines, produced by Chris Johnson-Roberson and Jo Guldi
“Paper Machines is a promising and visually appealing teaching tool that would be particularly useful for introducing students to topic modeling, but needs some improvements to the code and documentation to be world class.”

Paper Machines Wiki
“This is a space for user-contributed content related to Paper Machines.
Getting Started — Installing PaperMachines, Getting Data, Running Paper Machines for the First Time
Basic Troubleshooting — Error messages and common problems
Curating Your Corpus for Better Analysis
Getting Lots of Data
Working with JSTOR Data for Research”

Supercharge Your Zotero Library Using Paper Machines: Part I – Global Perspectives on Digital History
“Paper Machines, the add-on that integrates a range of text analysis tools into Zotero, has generated quite a buzz in the short period of time since its release. For those of us that store notes, citation information, PDFs, and article links in huge Zotero libraries, Paper Machines has the potential to be a game-changer in terms of how we visualize our research.”

Supercharge Your Zotero Library Using Paper Machines: Part II – Global Perspectives on Digital History
“In my last post I discussed how Paper Machines, the text analysis add-on for Zotero, can help you visualize your research. Some of Paper Machines’ features are pretty self-explanatory, but others are less intuitive. Here I’ve tried to expand on some of the potentially complicated aspects of Paper Machines to supplement the documentation available on the developer’s site.”

Topic Modeling Workshop: Guldi and Johnson-Roberson on Vimeo
“Speakers at a one-day workshop on topic modeling and the humanities, held November 3, 2012. For more information, please see This video contains a talk from Jo Guldi and Christopher Johnson-Roberson.”

“Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources.”